# eyes Parse and convert strings using human-readable templates. The crate's primary purpose is parsing challenge inputs for [Advent of Code](https://adventofcode.com) challenges. It currently provides limited functionality, but more options may be added provided they are useful additions for parsing slightly more complicated formats. This crate does not have any dependencies, as I wanted to keep it simple to and lightweight in design. ## Syntax The only special characters in templates are curly brackets `{}`. These act as stand-ins for where the extracted values are in the input strings. ## Examples: ```rust use eyes::parse; let input = "#lol @ 338,7643: 20.2x24.5"; let template = "#{} @ {},{}: {}x{}"; let (id, x, y, w, h) = parse!(input, template, String, isize, isize, f64, f64); assert_eq!((id.as_str(), x, y, w, h), ("lol", 338, 7643, 20.2, 24.5)); ``` **eyes** will match capture groups greedily and expand them as far as possible, so that the following example also works as expected: ```rust use eyes::parse; let input = "turn off 660,55 through 986,197"; let template = "{} {},{} through {},{}"; let (op, x1, y1, x2, y2) = parse!(input, template, String, usize, usize, usize, usize); assert_eq!( (op.as_str(), x1, y1, x2, y2), ("turn off", 660, 55, 986, 197) ); ``` Notice that "turn off" is captured correctly, even though it contains a space. For error handling, the `try_parse` macro is provided which can be very useful in parsing potentially malformed input: ```rust use eyes::try_parse; let input = "1 2\n3,4\n5 6"; let result = input .lines() .filter_map(|line| try_parse!(line, "{} {}", i64, i64)) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(vec![(1, 2), (5, 6)], result); ```